Monday, April 16, 2012

Schindler’s List by Steven Spielberg

This is both a compelling and cruel movie to watch. It depicts the truth of what lies in the past and the insanity of what people are willing to do in the mist of war; be it good or bad. This story is set on the days of World War 2 in the country of Germany where the heat of the action started. This story is about a person name Oskar Schindler whom is a german businessman trying to make money out of the war as a war profiteer.

The movie talks about the cruelty of the Nazi party in trying to build concentration camps and execute the Jewish people in this. Many were sent to the gas chambers or killed in the inferno during this period over 6 million killed as depicted at the end of the film. So the protagonist was a person of great heart where he sold most of his property to help liberate the Jews from the concentration camps by bribing the officials in the town. I was shocked and in awe that so many of Jewish people died during the war. This undeniably makes me to be relief to be living in this era of peace even though I am not a Jew

Monday, April 9, 2012

Gandhi by Richard Attenborough

                Personally, I am not a history person. When I learn that we will be watching this movie I was thinking this will be another boring show that might doze me off. However I was wrong. I actually like this movie despite there are moments that I feel like fast forward it. It depicted the life of Gandhi and his principal in aiding India to independent. Personally I appreciate Gandhi’s effort in running a non-violent campaign in both South Africa and India. People usually believed that those who are powerful will be able to control the others’. However, this is not necessary true. At least I don’t think it is. Taking revenge or beating people up might make them listen and obey you for a moment but it won’t last forever because violent is a form of impulsive behaviors. Hence, I think it is more important for one to calm them down and let people know they mean what they want.
                Besides, this movie reminds me of the psychological concepts I learnt in my social psychology and occupational psychology class. Before India obtain her independence, Muslims and Indians work together to protest and stand up to the British. However, once the decision of independence was made, the two ethnic groups form their own group and an in-group bias is observed.  The two ethnic groups started to bully people from their out-group and engaged in numerous violent acts. This irony does not happen only in the society but among the political leaders as well. Before the independence, all leaders can chat peacefully with each other. However, once the idea of independence is confirm, Jinnah the Muslim leader stand out to Gandhi and ask him regarding the division. I think it is very important for the leaders to sort the matter out themselves before they speak to the people. In this incident, Jinnah should sooth the Muslims down while he negotiates with the Gandhi and the other leader. Being as a political leader, one should always prioritize the welfare of his people be it Muslims or Indians as they are all part of India.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Departures by Yôjirô Takita

      I have to say this film makes me feel uneasy to watch yet satisfying in terms of emotions and sentimental values it portrayed. The director is intelligent to have put this film in a comical nature whereby they try to make instill values surrounding death to the general audience. He had put this film together beautifully as emotions technically surrounded the whole film.
      The film started off with the protagonist losing his job as a cellist because the orchestra got disbanded which showed sign of struggle with despairs in life. This soon followed his diligent effort in looking for jobs around his hometown sakata when he moved back. It brought back many memories of him from his childhood and the leaving of his father with the waitress. This showed a combination of hate and detest between father and soon. Soon follows the regrets of a son not taking care of his mother more before she passed away.
      Initially, he did not take fancy to the job he received because of the nature of the work and the inability to stand the reek of rotting bodies. This journey of his made me feel uneasy because of the nature of his work as well. I feel disgusted at it initially as the wife did and would not be able to tolerate him more and soon moved out the house. I actually understood the wife’s feeling and emotions because i also cannot tolerate the nature of his job if i were in her position. However, as the plot develops, I soon found the dignity in the job when he prepares his friend’s mother for burial which was quite unnerving yet graceful and pure. I truly don’t know the correct words to describe how the ritual affecting the way I viewed death.
      However, the most touching moment of the show was the climax where he was force to attend his own father’s funeral which he detest and doesn’t want to go initially. I understand his feelings then. Then, the most shocking part for me is when he found the stone in his father’s arm while preparing for a proper burial which was touching and loving at the same time. At the moment, I thought that family matters most and nothing even the shattering blow of death could keep families apart due to the memories we each keep inside ourselves. I truly understand the value of relationship and love through this movie.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sybil by Daniel Petrie

                Sybil depicted a different identity disorder (DID) patient’s experience with her psychiatrist. It was based on Shirley Ardell Mason’s true story. This movie was quite interesting to me as I am very interested on DID ever since my abnormal psychology class. According to my lecturer, DID is a very rare disorder. It remain controversial in the field of psychology as many expert speculated that DID does not exist at all.  Hence I am glad that this movie actually provide me with a better view and understanding of DID.
                However, I find the movie to be a little confusing at times. There are 12 alters exist in Sybil excluding Sybil herself and the switch between each alters is too rapid. I had a hard time adjusting myself to each alters. I even dig out my phone to search for the synopsis of this movie hoping that it will give me some clue on the total number of alters. The interaction between little Sybil and her mother was quite distressing for me. Especially the last scene in the kitchen when the mother sexually abuses little Sybil and ties her on the piano. I was very shock because I never expected those things to happen, from a mother. It is then clear to me on why Sybil would have the characteristic of DID and the existence of Peggy.
                This movie again, reminded me on the role parents’ play in their children’s development. One might not be aware on what he/ she is doing but it could create a huge impact on the rest of other’s life. Bad experience with parents can lead to the development of various psychological diseases. It may take a while for one to mistreat a child but forever for the child to recover from the trauma. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Parenthood by Ron Howard

      This movie clearly depicted the ‘ups’ and ‘downs’ in a family especially in the American setting. I clearly say that this is a heartwarming film where it touches many hearts and souls of those watching it. It started off with multitude problems in different families, 4 to be exact and how each of them has to deal with it. It was rather confusing at first where all the problems start popping out from each families and I really had a hard time following it. It got me agitated and restless as well as I watch the plot development.
     This movie teaches us values as parents, on how to admire and respect them for all the hardship they have gone through when they were raising a family of similar background. It goes beyond to show that the power of love and how strong it would be to hold everything together. I find that the bonds shared between parents and children in the movie so deep and meaningful. It is to the extent that parents will always support their children and their actions in life as well as guiding them. For example, the father of Larry (youngest son of the family), despite how ignorance he is on his debts owed due to gambling, he still supported his son to fly off to another place even taking care of Larry’s son named Cool.
     At the same time, the movie also depicts a darker role of things. The movie showed that everyone has to take up responsibility of his or her actions and once made, it cannot be reversed. For example, having a baby in the family, without family planning etc. It also depicts the impulsivity of teenagers and also the fragility of children. It shows how much of an influence that the parents have on their child. It goes beyond to show that over-controlling or over-exerting control over the children development can result in disastrous effects.
     Conclusively, this show is a must watch for those who are interested in starting a family as it gives the viewers a sneak peak of what is to come. Though not entirely same, it’s similar with variations of intensity. =)

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Fisher King by Terry Gilliam

This is a marvelous and entertaining movie to watch and especially when we are psychology student to be able to see such a combination of disorders in a movie. The cast of the movie did a great job in depicting roles of depression, schizophrenia and avoidant personality disorder to a near pathological extent.

The story starts off by revealing the protagonist role as a DJ (Jack) in a local radio station who dismisses a caller whom just got rejected by a girl. This eventually led to a mass murder in a local restaurant in Manhattan whom Jack soon found out from the local news. It is also inspiring how much ones’ action could make a difference in so many people lives. Well, inarguably every action is like a domino effect especially the heavier weighted ones. This lead Jack into a depression cause he felt he was partly responsible, whereby soon he quitted his job and the show was fast forward ahead for three years.

After three years, Jack is still in depression and is living with his girlfriend Anne, working her video rental store as a part-timer. He soon develops suicidal ideation and eventually decided to end his life in the local pier where Parry saved him. According to Parry’s landlord, Parry went into catatonic state and woke up with delusions and hallucinations of him being in a quest of recovering the Holy Grail. The killing of his wife in the mass murder three years ago preceded and leads him to this state. Jacks feel responsible for this and decided to help him to regain back his life and also himself along the way. From this we can depict that Jack is trying to mend his guilt by helping Parry by hooking him up with Lydia, Parry’s crush. Unfortunately, Parry was forced to confront his darkest fear that is a visual hallucination of a Red Knight when he saw a banner near Lydia’s house.

Parry tries to escape from the red knight and was beaten up by a group of gangster and went back into a catatonic state, which Jack feels guilty about. What I found in this was a very touching as Jack eventually treated Parry as a close friend and has a very strong willed in helping him to recover. He could have ignored Parry and continue with his new DJ life. Jack eventually stole the Holy Grail from Upper East Side of Manhattan and cured Parry of his catatonic state. Soon after, Lydia got together with Parry and Jack with Anne. The movie ends with both of them being nude watching clouds. This I am not sure what the movie is trying to portray but my best guess would be they are trying to tell us the sincerity and purity of the bonds of friendship that they share for each other. (Or they are both insane?  =/)

What I found in this movie was an interesting mix of events that lead to another and how it would shape out in the future. I feel as though it was trying to teach us the importance and significance of an action on the other person’s life. Besides that, I have a mix feeling of sadness and happiness as watch the events unfolds throughout the show. This is a good show and I recommend it to everyone. Kudos to Robbin Williams’ acting!

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Sixth Sense by M. Night Shyamalan, The Castle by Rob Sitch


Last week’s film class is slightly different from the usual. Two movies were shown to us and there are VERY different from each other. One is a comedy (The Castle) whereas the other is a, horror movie (The Sixth Sense) per say. As a horror movie lover, I enjoy the moment when I hold my breath feeling nervous and feel my intense heartbeat when something is going to be revealed. The Sixth Sense is slightly different from the horror movie that I watched previously. It was quite bland for me as I was anticipating some horrible ghost scene that was shown in most of the horror movie in Thailand, Japan and Hong Kong. I was ready to be scared. However, besides than some scary scenes that were shown in the beginning and the middle of the movie, everything resembles a psychological movie to me. That said, I appreciated the twist in the story. It was indeed shocked and sad to found out that the Psychologist that the boy was seeing is dead. Everything in the movie blends in perfectly with the new fact that was introduced except for one scene I am confused about. The scene where Dr. Malcolm is talking to Cole in his office, Dr. Malcolm’s secretary called him and asked him to answer a phone call. If Dr. Malcolm is dead, no one is supposed to be able to see and talk to him besides than Cole. Hence I find this to be one of the loopholes to the story or there are other details that I have miss out that could explain this confusion.
The Castle is a very simple movie; it focuses on Darryl’s family and their attempted to protect their home. Unlike other comedy, The Castle did not add in hilarious act to make their audiences laugh, what make my day is Darryl family member’s optimism and their lame jokes/speeches. I enjoyed watching this movie despite some of the times I were speechless about the character’s action and speech. I like how the Kerrigan family communicates to each other, simple yet warm. Even though they might seems to be too innocent and naïf in handling the court case I am surprised by their determinant. Their courage reminds me of how I behave in the normal life. I am totally different from Darryl’s father. I tend to give up things too easily without even trying because I am afraid of the failure that I might face. Hence, besides than entertaining, this movie inspires me to put some thought on my worries. Is there a necessity to worry too much on things that is yet to happen? Instead of hiding away from the problem, why not approaches it in a positive way? Darryl’s father will not be able to keep his house if he just sit and hope things will turn out the way he wanted.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Mississippi Burning by Alan Parker

           Mississippi Burning is rather a controversial movie of olden times when racial discrimination is still at large. It takes place in the Southern part of America where there were different races living amongst each other in the year 1964 when the Civil Rights Movement took place. This particular movie takes place in the town of Mississippi where racial instability is intense and together in the setting of a cult known as the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) whom opposes equal rights among the minorities such as the Blacks. I find this movie to educational and intense because it reflects the dispute between different races and the fight of a better cause such as equal rights. It really portrays the intricacies and the fragility of a multi-racial society to a remarkable extent.
This movie discusses about two FBI agents whom are sent to investigate a series of murders in the town of civil right workers. Two of the protagonists have different views about how to investigate the case. I think this is a smart detailing because it depicts that there are multiple ways to solve a murder instead of the direct approach and also to use, which truly is dependent on the setting.  It also shows the necessity to use unorthodox methods to solve a crime especially when dealing with lies of the local authority and also important figures who are involved in the murder. This movie also managed to depict the struggle of the minority during that time and also the struggle of the whites that supported such a move and dare not do it openly due to aggressiveness of the extremist group such as KKK. For instance, the deputy sheriff assaulted his own wife for exposing details on locations to the FBI.
In my belief, the aggressiveness of the extremist group (KKK) and the series of murders, actually strengthen the resolve for peace by the general population. The irony of instead by using fear to go against the Civil Rights Movement, I believe they are actually one of the catalyst that aid the success of this movement. 

Monday, February 20, 2012

Forget Paris by Billy Crystal

           Forget Paris described the love story between Mickey and Ellen. Just like any ordinary romantic movie, Mickey and Ellen met each other in French and fell in love in Paris, the city of love. After getting to know each other in beautiful weekend, they were deeply in love with each other. Despite the distance and difficulty that they face, Mickey and Ellen decided to get married. However, unlike their dating time, married life was not as blissful as they thought. There are various issues that they have to take into consideration, learn to tolerate in order for their relationship to work out.
Unlike other chick flick, Forget Paris depicted conflicts that many couples would eventually face in certain stage of their relationship. Personally I like the issues that were raised in this movie. In fact it reminds me of my relationship because most of the conflicts does present in my own relationship. By taking the struggles that Mickey and Ellen faced in their relationship, it gave me a sense of reality. To me it is important to take all ups and downs into consideration instead of generalizing all relationship as happy and as long as you found the one you love the most in your life, you will be able to live happily ever after just like what fairy tales says. This element of practicality is important because movie has great influence over the audience. By selectively screening the most fruitful part of a romantic relationship and ignoring the routine fighting that a couple might have, a movie could prime the audience and lead them to unrealistic belief such as ‘love is the best thing in the world’, ‘nothing is impossible with love’, ‘as long as you love me, you will never fight with me’, etc. This unrealistic belief then could play a role in all the misery, sadness and dissatisfaction face by the couple these days. It could also mislead the adolescence thus make them susceptible to the lies that they were told. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whale Rider by Niki Caro

Whale Rider focuses mainly on the topic of gender discrimination by linking it to the Maori’s tribe. It depicted the experience of Koro, the tribe chief’s struggle in seeking for the next leader. Koro’s granddaughter, Paikea who was name after the great ancestor of Maori demonstrated a strong interest toward the tribe’s tradition. However her enthusiasm was not appreciated by Koro because he insisted that only a male can take the leader position and guide the tribe. Female is perceived to be less valuable as compared to guy and this is similar in the real life.  
Even though the issues of gender stereotype and gender discrimination has receive enormous amount of attention in recent years, is has not been resolve well. There are certain forms of discrimination that are still existed in our daily practice, unfortunately.  Despite the constant attempts in today’s society in demanding for gender equality, there are discriminations that we deem to be ‘normal’ that exist which we should address. One of the examples of that would be the phenomenon of ‘glass ceiling effect’ that exists in the working world. Many female in my family side has sort of accepted the fact that being a female will never get promoted. Instead of viewing this as a form of discrimination, they perceive this phenomenon as something ‘normal’. Unlike them, Paikea does not give in to what she was told. Even though she was scolded and warned by her grandfather to not mess with the traditions, she silently followed Koro’s class and acquired the knowledge that she desire.
I cherish Paikea’s courage in holding onto her own belief. This is something precious that we should learn in our life. Instead of obeying the rules that were set upon us, we need to constantly question ourselves on the rules to make sure that it is worthwhile to follow. 

Monday, January 30, 2012

Strictly Ballroom by Baz Luhrmann

Strictly Ballroom is an Australian dancing comedy in 1992. It focuses on Scott, a young ballroom dancer who was born in a ballroom dancing setting family. He was trained to dance by his dancer mother and is expected to win the Pan Pacific Award on behalf of his parents. Scott loses in a competition because of his attempt to create his own dance step. Everyone was shocked and disappointed with his action and Scott was warned to just stick to the conventional dancing step.

The scene when Scott’s mother was in a meeting with the president of Australian Dancing Federation reminded me of some daily issues and opinion that I always hear from my mother. According to the president, they can’t allow everyone to create their new dance step or else no one is going to attend to any of the dancing class. This scene clearly demonstrated the reality of our society also the use of power to control and manipulate people. There is nothing wrong with creating a new dance step; in fact, it actually encourages the creativity of each individual. However, those with power fear that their personal benefit will be harm, thus restricting every dancer in a little cage. The act to obtain and maintain power is not something new in our society especially to those who often involved in the office politics. I have some friends who make use of this form of power to demonstrate her superiority among her peers. For example, she would gossip and backstab person A to person B and do the same to person A. When person A and person B fights with each other, she would be the one that stand out and be their facilitator. Her worry is that if person A and person B is close to each other, they will no longer need her and she might be left out in the future.

There is no right and wrong when one tries to obtain and maintain his power. It may seem to us that what the president and Scott’s mother is doing is wrong because we are the third party and we are not involve. Hence, I think it is important for us to notice the existence of power and other’s attempt in obtaining it instead of concluding it as a bad act.

Awakening by Penny Marshall

Awakening is an American movie in the 90s that based on a neurologist, Oliver Sack’s real life experience. This video depicted how Dr. Malcolm Sayer tries to cure his encephalitis epidemic patients who demonstrated catatonic symptom by administering drugs and stimulus. In the process of searching for the best solution to cure his patients, Dr. Sayer comes across L-Dopa, a drug that was known to treat Parkinson disease. He notices the similarity of symptom in patient with Parkinson disease and his catatonic patient and has decided to treat his patient with L-Dopa.

I was astonished by Dr. Sayer’s decision to treat his patient with a drug that is not meant for them. Even though he did some reading and attended a lecture on L-Dopa, that doesn’t give him the right to simply administered the drug to his patient simply because he THINK it work. Also, I was having a hard time to accept the fact that Dr. Sayer and his pharmacist simply manipulates the amount of drugs to be administered to Leonard. I was completely stunned when Dr. Sayer silently doubled the amount of drug of Leonard without the assistant of his colleague and administered it to Leonard. Dr. Sayer was gambling with Leonard life by assuming excessive amount of drugs would help Leonard when his colleague suggested reducing the amount of drug to be administered. Even though Leonard does turn better and ‘woke up’. I was disappointed by the fact that Dr. Sayer doesn’t bother to observe Leonard for a period before administering L-dopa to the other patients. He could have prevented the awakening of other patients and safe them from the frustration that they have to deal in accepting who they are now and the deterioration of their health when the drug effect fade off. This inspired me to think about several ethical issues that arise from this movie. I am glad that we (psychology student, medicine study and etc.) were taught to place ethic and the welfare of our clients at the first place as this can guarantee the quality of the treatment provided. At the same time, I manage to better appreciate the rules and laws that we were forced to obey because that seem to be the only thing that can govern the welfare or the consumer from harms. Like it or not but this is the fact that history appears to show.